January 24, 2022
Last week I shared my BIG WHYS, to Live, Love and Lead so I can be active, happy, and congruent. Those are macro things that help me organize and prioritize what I’m doing and why. And I use those on the daily too. Each morning when I journal, I take a look at my business and professional tasks, and I narrow down to the 3-5 most critical to do items. And I challenge those items for relevance to my WHYS. For example, yesterday I was thinking I’d clean the basement. Lots of other things on the list for the day too, and one child without devices for the weekend looking for a little more connection time. The dust and scattered legos were clearly getting under my skin. But as I evaluated my WHYS, cleaning the basement didn’t significantly move me forward in living, loving or leading. My time was better spent playing a new board game with my preteen. So “clean the basement” came off the list – until another day.
So, as you look at your list, here’s the game changer I learned: I circle the MUST DO’s. As a recovering to do list addict, I used to stress myself out trying to get it all done. Once it went on the list my perfectionism kicked in and I acted like it “had” to get done. This simple step of evaluating what is an absolute MUST has eased some of the stress of wearing many hats. I promise you – if your to do list makes your stomach flip, IT’S NOT HELPING YOU!
How can you skinny down your to do list? Really, what’s on your list that’s important? That significantly advances you or those around you or your WHYS?
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